The Most Valuable Resource I Refuse to Squander
It's been a couple of weeks since you've seen a new blog post from me! Where my past self may have felt guilty and been hard on myself for not reaching my "new blog article every week" goal, I'm thankful to report that I'm not sorry. Not one bit. And here's why...
My time has been spent exactly has it was meant to be.
Rather than creating social media content just because an algorithm says I should or a blog post that isn't intentionally written just because I felt I needed to put something out, instead I've been present. Present as a human in this wild world. Present as an author who just completed a beautiful project. Present as a wife who is continuing to grow in partnership with her husband. Present as a mother raising two incredible young children.
In a world obsessed with productivity, we are too often expecting ourselves to behave as a machine rather than a human with layers of emotion and the important needs of rest and repair. We've also been conditioned to believe that money is our greatest resource. That we should always continue to aim for more in our bank account. More in our homes. While money is a necessary resource that allows us the freedom to do many things, our monetary net worth does not equate our worth as human beings.
Let us revisit that once more... your net worth does not equate your worth as a human being.
I believe money (while important) comes and goes, and it's how we spend our time that matters most. After all, if you have plenty more than you need while your neighbor has nothing, what good is your plenty? In an interview of professionals who work closely with the dying, they shared that from hundreds of people on their death beds there were two common regrets.
1) They wished they'd had the courage to life the life they dreamed rather than the one expected of them.
2) They wished they'd spent more time being present with their loved ones.
Not a one wished they'd spent more hours at the office or put more money in the bank. And as so many are in the midst of recovering from and bracing for life-altering storms, this brings to mind what's most important.
I have the honor of raising and educating two of the coolest little humans on the planet (I'm highly biased but it's still true). This is not something I take lightly. I am forever learning how to mother them to the best of my ability and making endless mistakes along the way. Yet this one thing I am aware of is that this time with them is a privilege I'll never get a "do-over" for and making family time together as intentional as possible matters. We also committed to spending family time making memories of adventure together. From camping trips to exploring local waterways, it is a value of ours that our family spend time together connecting with and learning from nature.
I also have the honor of guiding, supporting, and educating the most incredible humans through the work I do. I'm excitedly preparing to work with clients once again in a capacity more personal and in depth than I'm able to with the group classes hosted this summer (as beautiful as they may have been). Therefore, my time is spent in continuing education and preparation of resources that will help to support your transformation from overwhelmed and imbalanced to empowered, peaceful, and joyful.
The time I'm spending doing these things, as well as visiting beloved family and friends is something I continue to be grateful for. I want to look back in that rear view mirror and know that I spent my time doing exactly what I was here on this earth for... for loving as much and as deeply as humanly possible!

Do you notice my wording? Spending time. We spend our time and once it's gone, it's gone... so why not be mindful and intentional as to where it goes?
Love & Healing,
Ashley Kay
P.S. To continue seeing these inspirational posts and be the first in the know when I open my schedule to clients again, be sure you're subscribed to receive my email newsletter! You won't be bombarded, just uplifted on occasion with a little love and updates in your inbox.