New Things Blooming: The Healing Power of Spring Rain
Spring rain.
There is truly nothing quite like the experience of spring rain. The smell in the air of the soil doing its thing, the first dances of plants emerging from their cozy hibernation... spring rain feels healing.
A spring rain reawakens something within our souls that quieted during the winter. It's as though there is some part of us that hibernates alongside the mammals all around. This part of us is invigorated once again to wiggle ourselves awake and take action in our lives.
This morning I went to get our groceries and was surprised in the most blissful of ways. I'd checked off my list of essentials and came across the freshly marked pots of happy lilies, tulips, and hyacinth. You see, I've been daydreaming, drawing, researching, and planning for months now of creating a garden space that invites peacefulness and joy. In many ways we already have one... but there are always those projects that get set aside when cuddling newborns and exploring with curious toddlers. Tucking in our gardens this year had me noticing more unfinished projects than complete.
"$4.49... not bad!" I thought as I grabbed two and bee lined for the checkout before our toddler attempted to crawl out of the cart again. As I'm took turns with him checking out the items I discovered that they'd been marked down even further!
"One dollar and nineteen cents! That's amazing!" I mumbled, half to myself... now grinning like the Cheshire cat and half to the little boy sniffing each individual hyacinth flower.
Part of my dreaming and planning for our yard earlier this year involved a massive amount of flowers. Growing up on the farm with a green-thumbed mother taught me a thing or two, and my own interests of herbal medicine had me constantly learning. I knew I didn't have acres of land to work with, but that this vision was something I could make happen.
I'd pictured a little roadside stand with fresh cut flowers, healing herbs, and extra produce from the garden. Our daughter, who spent the entire summer begging to have her lemonade and cookie stand and a garage sale every weekend, would be thrilled to be involved. The kids would learn valuable skills and we'd spread joy to whoever found themselves our way, with the profits going to a charitable foundation.
As I researched and read, watched and learned, I became quite aware that these projects would be on a step by step basis. The expense of bulbs alone for some of the plants I desired to grow was far more than I'd expected. To stumble across a fully blooming and happy plant, likely each with several bulbs, had me feeling that Divine flow of support. I joyfully accepted this little wink and quickly got my groceries into the car, skipping back through the rain with Leo to bring home a cart full. I loaded up my tulips in yellows, pinks, and deep purples, bringing a deep inhale into my lungs of the sweet fragrance hyacinth shares. Tulips bringing me special joy, being symbols of rebith and new beginnings.
Friend, we might not always know where we're headed. There's plenty of exciting unknowns, and likely some unpleasant surprises as well. But it all runs together in a landscape of lessons inviting us to keep growing.
Follow the winks... those little nudges from the Divine letting you know that you're on the right path. The song lyrics that come on at a time that fits your current predicament a little too perfectly. The friend who says the exact phrase you needed to be reminded of. The stranger who shares a moment of kindness.
The flowers reminding you to stay true to what brings you joy, fills you with peaceful excitement, and feels like a spring rain.

Peace & Healing,
Ashley Kay