Is it a Sign? 10 Ways to Receive Spiritual Communication
Have you ever seen a particular bird or butterfly that brought with it a peaceful reminder of a familiar family member or friend?
Perhaps you've seen a uniquely distinct sight, a name, maybe even a certain number that reminded you of a loved one who has passed... and just happened to show up RIGHT when you were needing a little extra reassurance or encouragement? It's easy to pass these moments off as happenstance or allow our ego to convince us they are coincidence. But by observing them open-mindedly, meditating or praying on them, and logging your instances of connection as well as the feelings experienced, you'll begin to see patterns of spiritual communication that would have been easily brushed over had we not given the invitation for our intuition to take the lead.
Here are some ways spiritual communication may come through:
1) Animal Messages
Animals are excellent messengers, as they are intuitive beings by nature (we are too, though we often allow ourselves to forget this). I've asked my spirit guides to show me a particular animal in demonstration of their guidance and they deliver. Find a resource, a website or book, that you're able to find spiritual meanings of animals within and stick to that same resource. You'll be amazed at how many times the sighting of a specific animal holds a message that provides guidance and support.
2) Symbols
Often we relate certain objects... food, decor items, clothing or jewelry, to a person we love who has passed or a spiritual experience. These objects allow us to connect deeply with the memories you hold together and invite your loved one to connect with relative ease. If you see an object that remind you of someone who has passed, take a breath and allow yourself to truly feel their presence. Mentally, or out loud, invite them to provide guidance or a message they wish to share when this occurs.
3) Audible Messages
Sometimes you may hear a word or sentence as though spoken directly from a loved one or higher power. These messages may sound like a unique thought that spontaneously popped into your head with no traceable train of thought that preceded them. If you can follow the train of thought it is likely coming from your own mind, whereas spiritual communication is often sudden and seemingly "random".
4) Numbers
Have you ever noticed the same numbers that hold a special meaning to you pop into your life? Whether you're glancing at the clock or pass a certain license plate that catches your eye, these instances are not merely coincidence. The spiritual world likes to remind you of their presence with this simple visual and repetition of numbers, often called "angel numbers" hold special meanings.
5) Electronics
This mode of communication can seem quite fun for the spiritual world. Due to their energetic existence, moving objects is more of a challenge and requires significant energy output on their part. Communicating through electronics, on the other hand, is far easier and requires less energy. This mode can come in the form of electronic malfunctions that require you to stop and think about a particular message, lights turning on and off or pulsing to remind you they are near, or a certain song with a much needed message popping up at just the right time. During an intuitive healing session in which I was communicating with a woman's deceased mother, the lights in the room I was in flickered intensely with every strong message I felt come through. The flickering and pulsing then receded during the times I was feeling her presence but not a message, which helped to validate her words to me and her daughter.
6) Feathers or Coins
These little gestures of spiritual presence remind us we are not alone and are easier physical objects to manipulate by spiritual energy. You may notice a particular coin make its appearance or a feather show itself just as you were needing some extra guidance or support. When feathers or coins seem to "randomly" appear in your life, take note of the thoughts or feelings that come with them. These intuitive feelings or thoughts are likely exactly the message the spiritual world is intending to share with you.

7) Mist, Shadows, and Figures
Some, typically those who have clairvoyant abilities, are able to visually see spirit. They can be recognized by a soft mist or haze, a shadow in the corner of your eye, or the shape of a human figure. These appearances are often gone as quickly as they appear and can leave one questioning what they saw. If you suspect you may have seen spirit, pay attention to how you feel.
8) Cold or Gentle Breeze
When experiencing a spiritual visitor, you may suddenly feel the need to put on a cozy sweater and warm socks. Spirit often brings feelings of cold. When I am feeling strong spiritual guidance from a particular individual who has passed or simply from the Universe/God, I often feel my hands and feet grow cold. You may also experience a soft breeze or wind where it may not make sense to feel one, such as somewhere in your home or a building where drafts would not be found. Perhaps when in a protected space outdoors you feel complete stillness, followed by a spontaneous little gust that gives you a burst of intuitive guidance just as sudden.
9) Light
Some empaths and intuitives are able to recognize spiritual presence through flashes, twinkling, or swirling light. It is important to be cognizant of these experiences, as they can also be symptoms for medical concern. If all is well and they are not health related, enjoy these bursts of light knowing you are being visited by spirit. Personally when I'm feeling especially aligned and supported, or need a reminder of how blessed I truly am, I see twinkling lights in the upper range of my vision that appear all over and are typically gone within five to ten seconds. These may be white light, or you may see flashes of color that correspond to a spiritual energy or the message you're intended to receive.
10) Dreams
Spiritual connection and guidance often appears where there is little resistance. Our cognitive activity during sleeping and dreaming allows for messages to come through without intervention from our ego, challenging our belief and dismissing things that may seem out of the ordinary or coincidental. Whether people, animals, or situations and environments speak to your subconscious, this is an excellent time to tune in during lights out. Keep your journal on your bedside table or easily within reach immediately upon waking. Dreams can quickly fade aware and recede into the depths of our lost memories as we re-acclimate to our waking life. Jotting down a few notes or recording audio of the guidance received may help you to connect the dots with current happenings in your life. There was a dream I had of a client of mine that seemed to not have any blatant message or connections at first. However, after casually communicating the dream contents to them, they had a look of disbelief on their face. I had just described precisely the activity (not typically a part of their schedule) that had taken place the night before and unknowingly tied it to a message of support and guidance by sharing.
However spirit chooses to connect and you're able to perceive them, open your heart and mind to the support they have to offer. Keep your own vibrations high and centered in love to attract only loving and positive spiritual energy!
(This blog post is an excerpt from Empaths at the Edge: Heal Your Soul, Awaken Your Intuition, and Become a Mighty Force of Compassion, available here.)